things you didn't know
(2004-05-17, 4:48 p.m.)
I think it�s best to start with some of the wise words the Kate had for me today:

Let me tell you something else: everyone has been rejected. This statement of his about how no one else seemed worth it 'til you--that's a line. He may not realize it, but it's a line. It's the most selfish, manipulative thing a man can say to a woman. Because when you turn around and reject him, it makes you just like everyone else in the world. And we feel that guilt when it comes time to reject them. I mentioned this to the boys Saturday night and they all looked at their plates in shame. So when you hear that line--because you /will/ hear it again--hear it for what it is: "Please, please be different from everyone else." And remember that you don't have any responsibility to save the good name of women everywhere for this weirdo.

Go ahead, read �em again. This is quite important.

After all my complaints last week about being ignored, I�m now obliged to confess I flew off the handle for very little reason. As it turned out, I was neither ignored by potential employers or by men. I�m grateful for the former, but regret most sincerely the latter.

Let�s think about what�s important in an interview. Experience and background that make one suitable for the position. Reasonable responses and appropriate body language. Ability to connect with the interviewer and modify your responses, as needed, based on her body language and responses. Lack of desperation.

I think you can appreciate that these items are also quite important ingredients to a successful date. And these were skills he didn�t have. He was a perfectly nice human being with reasonable taste in music, and I only enjoy smashing someone in the gut when he�s deserving of a good bash. When he tells you he hasn�t dated in years because he�s never met someone who seemed worth him putting himself on the line, you�re meant to know it�ll be a smash in the gut. You�re meant to feel flattered, yet obliged.

And then Kate shocks you into reality, effectively saving you.

So now I�ll just compose a polite and firm reply to the latest missive, and close up shop. I�ll keep my sights set on Beantown, because there is an actual good, healthy connection there. Shared interests. Effective communication.