(2003-05-13, 5:42 p.m.)
It�s little but a succession of pills meant to stave off the conditions of being human. I count the minutes until I can take another pill; I dole out doses of caffeine in between.

It makes sense, this need to control and regulate. These are things I can do, even when it seems impossibly long and dull to balance the checkbook or remove the waist-high pile of empty boxes lining the hallway outside my storage room. When I cannot do anything save lie on the couch and read, munching dry Kashi and Craisins.

My teeth feel smooth and pleasing and slightly sore after a visit to the dentist. The lingering pain is a constant reminder today that it�s one of the things I love the most.

On an evening run a few nights ago, I was shocked into a startled, deep laugh by a pheasant taking off from the long grass of the ditch beside me. In the darkness, unable to see him, it sounded something akin to my cat taking flight, his largesse skimming the tops of the weeds as the giant wings tried to pull him off the ground.

This afternoon I�m listening to M�sia. I have no idea what she�s saying, but it�s working.