living proof
(2004-06-28, 5:06 p.m.)
Today I'm obsessed with the first five seconds of "Windfall," that old Son Volt song, backing it up and playing it over and over, shivering at the beauty of those few notes.

But I've let it go on now, because it's such a gorgeous, fitting song.

Can there be anything so confusing as family? 28 years with these people, and yet we�re shit at communicating about anything. I went to see my grandma yesterday in the hospital. She looks predictably tiny, frail and tired, hooked to all sorts of tubes. We weren't there long. She was tired. My mother and uncle changed the subject when I tried to inquire about test results. So eventually I resorted to the only sort of productive information sharing acceptable in our family--gossip. When I arrived at the other grandparents' house, I washed dishes while Grandma made her famous boiled fluffy cake frosting, and we talked about her sense of what's going on. She said my mother alternately talks like Grandma's going home next week and like she won't make it much longer; it makes no sense to her, either. But Mom's the one talking to the doctors. Scary.

I need to have the facts to chew on, not this bizarre blind optimism followed by bouts of drama. I suspect the latter's more appropriate, given the circumstances, if we've even had all the truth about that.

Not talkers, this clan. I don't know why; I'm the lone Aries--what are their excuses?

Of course, when they all inquired about my health, I was evasive and changed the subject. Huh. Part of the problem? Me? Surely not, surely not.

But hey, what about that earthquake? Yeah, I'd just gone to bed and didn't notice a thing.