(2003-01-21, 5:01 p.m.)
Ah, yes, the adventures of country life. As of Sunday afternoon, all is officially well with the well and the respective accoutrements. It�s set to be a perfectly wicked week, weather wise, so it seems I�ll be leaving the bathtub dripping for the foreseeable future, much to the delight of Fuzzy/Pants. Well, to his delight so long as I�m too busy with my beauty regimen (hey, enough of the snickering) to shove his sturdy self right off the bathtub ledge and into the cold dribble.

Speaking of cold dribble, the jury�s still out on going to the Roe v. Wade demonstration tomorrow. I�d like to. I should. It�s supposed to eventually get up to 20 degrees, but it�ll also be windy and snowing. But think of it--if my pregnant (and Republican) work pal�s going, what�s my excuse?

No bowling tomorrow evening, either. See, Aaron McGruder (of Boondocks fame) is speaking. For free. As a part of the MLK campus celebration. One does like to drag herself out at least once a year for a good lecture, and she sure didn�t make it to town for the viewing of 4 Little Girls Saturday, as she�d hoped she�d do, since she wasn�t off bestowing belated holiday gifts to the weary Marlboro folks.

Now let�s get back to a much-abused rant�Why I Must Move. It seems my future downstairs neighbors intend to make use of the empty space upstairs, too. Say, for their bedroom. The old horsehair-plastered walls are far too thin and the gaps between our bedroom doors too wide for this to be anything but dreadful. This will be, after all, the first time in 4 months they�ll have been together and not under her parents� roof.

Enough said.