something about what happens
(2003-01-15, 11:22 a.m.)
From over the cubicle wall, I just heard, �Why do I read the news?� In light of our present workplace conversation, I realize it�s been awhile since we discussed world politics. Shall we?

Yesterday I read this pleasant interview with Hans Blix, which was reassuring in tone and content, even in the midst of the continued troop deployment. We�re back to the point when most of us now know of some serviceperson who�s headed that way. And much as the good Mr. Blix tries to remain calm, that�s not the picture we�re getting when we turn on our televisions.

This morning I flipped on the tele to await word on the snowstorm that�s headed our way tomorrow, but the first bit of the outside world I saw was our frightening president using the phrase �I�m sick and tired of�� And I don�t even know what he said. Honestly. My ears were filled with the rushing sound of immense rage, which sounded a bit like the sound of the El moving, to be honest (I�ve been enamored with that American Experience show about Chicago so far this week).

So with horror and sadness and mortification, I awoke this morning.

No used war, please.


Speaking of fascinating and horrifying, our erstwhile governor, George Ryan, is appearing on Oprah today to discuss his blanket commutation to all death row inmates just before he left office.

Perhaps if someone had told me yesterday how to set of the VCR/antenna/TV thing, I could�ve taped it.



The Supreme Court has just upheld the Copyright Term Extension Act. I�m in shock.

I must go read the decisions. Sigh.