so this is christmas
(2002-12-16, 3:48 p.m.)
Welcome to day 8 of the Great Winter Cold of �02-�03.

Again, I hate you, Great Winter Cold of �02-�03. I�m beginning to suspect that by naming you the Great Winter Cold of �02-�03, you have decided you will stay until �03, when I was merely clarifying that you were the worst of this present winter, not the winter that ended in the wee months of this year.

My entire face is chapped from the near-constant wiping. My coworkers were dismayed to hear my still-husky voice, which isn�t as sultry and enthralling when combined with frequent drainage-clearing coughs. Sigh.

Don�t even start with me about tidings of joy and good cheer.


So here�s the thing, kiddies. I can�t believe that Al Gore is not running for president in 2004. I can�t believe it. There goes my whole theory about this book tour thing being a vehicle for early campaigning. Is it just because your books aren�t selling so well, Al?

I mean, I�m not a superfan. It�s not Al Gore or bust. It�s just that he�s been putting himself out, clearly testing the waters, and the reactions to his political commentary seemed fairly positive and supportive.

Oh, but the irony of watching him in the West Wing skit on SNL this past weekend, in which he refused to leave the oval office, in spite of the urgings of Martin Sheen and Allison Janney. So poignant and amusing.

Good for you, Al. I don�t think I�d have the heart for the rejection again, either, even though you know you really did win. That�s right, Al. It wasn�t your fault�you were clearly the better man.

And thanks for dropping that Gorebot bit, too. He was scary.


Our dream apartment building doesn�t allow pets, and there aren�t any large and lovely apartments available right now. Just basement apartments, which feature carpeting. I wouldn�t dream of giving up the catman for such disappointment.