(2002-11-20, 11:34 a.m.)
No news yet. Sigh.

Instead of reverting to my middle child angst in the wake of a confusing conversation with the mother last night, I�ll play nice and talk about things of higher importance to my general audience. Sounds promising, at least.

Did anyone else notice that Al and Tipper Gore are on a book tour? They were on Larry King last night, they were on Fresh Air yesterday, they were on Charlie Rose last night, Al was on Letterman last week, and Barbara Walters interviewed them last week. Good heavens. And we�re to make nothing more of it than that they�re promoting their new books. I listened to a good chunk of the Fresh Air interview as I drove home, and Al Gore is every bit as annoying as he was in the election. Terry Gross inquired about their feelings on gay marriages, and Gore kept spouting the same line on how he thought people in dedicated same-sex relationships should have every right and benefit that married couples have, but he refused to say whether he approved or disapproved of allowing them to marry. Gore pointed out that it is the right of each state to recognize or deny same sex marriages, which sidesteps the issue of the legality/constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act. He kept repeating his mantra that people in dedicated same sex relationships should have every benefit afforded to the marrieds, etc. I know he�s trying to walk a fine line, I realize this �book tour� is really the start of a campaign, and I understand that he doesn�t want to drive potential voters away, but he can�t get anywhere taking three-fourths of a stand on issues, can he? Haven�t we already seen what happens?

(Did anyone notice how cumbersome it seemed to have Terry always call them �Al Gore� or �Tipper Gore�? I respect her respect, though.)

I�d like to say I�ll read their books, but I�m afraid I�d just interpret their discussions of particular families as exploitation. My vote would be endangered.


Last night I dreamt that my elder sister and her husband decided to change their last name to the equivalent French word, marchand. When I awoke, the phrase �marchand de fruit� was in my head, and I can�t stop thinking of the delightfully silly sound of saying fruit in French.

Since I�m hyperconscious of foreign words today, I was delighted to see this lovely review. I can�t wait to get my grubby little paws on the new novel by Sandra Cisneros, who creates such delectable word pictures and makes me forget, for once, my childhood in the bosom of the white bread corn belt. (Can I say that? Does it make sense?)

If you liked that, munch on the Spanglification of the English language for a bit.


It turns out that an officemate has lots of pleasant rejection letters, but she�s been applying for jobs with non-profits. Evidently they�re nicer. Copies will be mine soon. Where are yours?