the plea becomes more vague
(2002-11-08, 9:03 a.m.)
My call for rejection letter entries remains, but I�ve decided to widen the field. Doesn�t have to be about job rejections, it could be any ol� thing. Smarmy breakup letters, submission rejections for you writerly types, and any sort of stories that go along.

I think I�m working on a pretty small level here, copies just for those who submit. Free, at that. We must keep this in mind.

So what are you waiting for? E-mail me.

More later. I have Wilco on the brain. We saw I Am Trying To Break Your Heart last night. The last show of the last night of the movie�s run here in town. I need to see it again before I feel I can make an informed judgment of the film, since I was so wrapped up in the emotions. So yeah, dreams of Wilco led me to listen to the 4/24/2002 show from Lupo�s Heartbreak Hotel in Providence this morning. I'm still chewing on it.