(2002-10-01, 11:44 a.m.)
Things I like:

1. Salman Rushdie.

Um, I think maybe that�s about it.

Things I don�t like:

1. Risk.

2. Being coerced into playing Risk, in spite of my honest and heartfelt exclamations of hatred for the game.

3. Conflict.

I dunno, maybe I just think it�s hard to get excited about world domination right now. In fact, maybe that�s something I�m adamantly against right now. That game seems to bring out the very worst in people, me included. I know it, and it�s upsetting. But I was not the one who got ugly. I was the one who walked out of the game. It was for the best.

Sigh. Okay, I�m ready for alone time tonight.

And really, this bed stuff is not working out. Maybe it�s too hot. Maybe it�s the cat trying to take over the entire bed. But I don�t really think it�s either of those. I need to be catching up on sleep, rather than lying awake through the wee hours of the morning.

Did I ever tell you I sleep (to use the term loosely) in Richard Peck�s mother�s bed? Some people sleep with famous authors, but I prefer to sleep alone in their mothers� beds.